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089  225911         Terminanfrage   

Pneumologist Munich

Lungdoctor Munich • chest-medicine • allergology
environmental medicine • sleep-apnea-diagnostics

Praxis Dr. Rudolf Schnell

Neuhauser Str. 15,80331 München
My praxis is located central in downtown Munich
+49 89 225911

Opening hours

Mon., Thu.  8 - 12 am and 3 - 5:30 pm
Tue. 9 - 12 am and 3 - 5:30 pm
Wed., Fr. 9 - 12 am


Both abdominal organs (liver, gall bladder, kidney, spleen, pancreas, abdominal lymphnodes, abdominal aorta) and parts of the chest (chest wall, pleura and occasionally pleural effusion and peripheral parts of the lung if consolidated) can be examined entirely without X-ray. Pathological structure, form or size can be identified. Stomach and gut are not seen very well in ultrasonography.

If punctures are carried out, ultrasonography serves as an aid in finding the appropriate location for the puncture.